Nuclear Global Warming

Nuclear scientist and nuke profiteers claim it’s cheap energy. Seven cents for a kilowatt of poweer while turning a blind eye to the carnage, past, present and future. Thyroid, Leukemia, breast cancers to name a few, the list goes on & on. Seven cents is a gross misnomer, as the highly radioactive waste from spent fuel rods needs to be cast and re-cast for millions of years and more.
If you factor that cost in with inflation from a time that might as well be light years away, the seven cents could be thousands of dollars for the single kilowatt. Natural gas is about 9 cents flat for the kilowatt,no strings, no contamination.
The same profiteers claim carbon based fuel add to global warming. What all fail to recognize is, while carbon based fuel encompasses a complex process to capture the heat that is attribute to the warming,nuclear contributes to global warming with a simples direct path. Over 400 nuclear plants on earth produce super heated water (in case of cooling down radioactive spent fuel rods). that attribute billions of BTU’s daily towards global warming. A pound of coal produces a very limited amount of heat. The atomic reactor produces super heat 24 hours a day, day in and day out year after year.
Nuclear scientist and profiteers are wining the public over by sugar coating the radiation. Wake up , pull the wool above your eyes. Remember putting your head in sand will not protect you butt from getting radiated.
A world you could live in will be powered by renewable energy. Guest author Randy Scott

#San Onofre, radiation,Japan,Nuclear

About solarshirley

A REALTOR protecting property rights and the environment by actively educating the public on the hazards of highly radioactive waste that sits in spent fuel pools, casks in different locations in California. Ms. Vaine has been working on making sure that seismic studies are being updated before Utility Companies try to re-license CA aging Nuclear power plants by enforces AB 1632. Shirley biography includes being past president of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, Past California State President of Women's Council of REALTORS, President elect of San Diego North Rotary Club, a certified Mediator, a much more.
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