John Geesman Represents Alliance

California energy policy leader John Geesman to lead legal intervention in CPUC
nuclear proceedings on behalf of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility
On this anniversary of the devastating 1994 Northridge earthquake, the Alliance for Nuclear
Responsibility hopes to “shake out” the complacency of state regulators and utilities by announcing the
retention of veteran energy policy leader John Geesman as legal counsel in their proceedings before
the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Mr. Geesman’s long career in energy policy
includes having been executive director of the California Energy Commission (CEC) during Jerry
Brown’s first term as governor, serving as a commissioner on the CEC, former chair of the California
Power Exchange, past board member of the CAISO, and a prominent opponent of PG&E’s defeated
Proposition 16 in 2010.
The Alliance is currently intervening in PG&E’s request for $64 million in ratepayer funding for
seismic studies at Diablo Canyon—an increase of $47 million over their initial proposal. Questions
have been raised regarding not only the cost, but also the merits of the scope of the study. Mr.
Geesman concludes, “The fact that the CPUC staff could recently rubber-stamp Southern California
Edison’s proposed seismic studies for the San Onofre nuclear plant without review by any seismic
experts shows what we’re up against.”
In the wake of the San Bruno gas explosion and revelations about the CPUC and PG&E’s negligent
oversight, these concerns are justifiably magnified when addressing California’s aging—and
seismically vulnerable—nuclear reactors. “San Bruno was tragic,” comments Alliance outreach
coordinator David Weisman, “San Bruno plus radiation would be catastrophic.”
Geesman finds a worthy ally in the Alliance, noting that, “More than any other organizations working
on nuclear issues, A4NR is focused on forcing the California government to do its job. I want to help
them do that.” Alliance executive director Rochelle Becker is equally enthusiastic about the
partnership, stating, “Nobody finds the dry rot in our regulatory system more effectively than John
Geesman, and it is an honor to have him represent us.”
Testimony and hearings for PG&E’s seismic funding case at the CPUC get under way in February.
# # # # # #
PO Box 1328
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
(858) 337-2703
(805) 704-1810

About solarshirley

A REALTOR protecting property rights and the environment by actively educating the public on the hazards of highly radioactive waste that sits in spent fuel pools, casks in different locations in California. Ms. Vaine has been working on making sure that seismic studies are being updated before Utility Companies try to re-license CA aging Nuclear power plants by enforces AB 1632. Shirley biography includes being past president of the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, Past California State President of Women's Council of REALTORS, President elect of San Diego North Rotary Club, a certified Mediator, a much more.
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